Monday, August 28, 2006

Making Love In Our Sleep

My mind was barely pulled from dreamland,
As my body became suddenly awake.
My hips involuntarily pressed against you,
Feeling the hardness of your midnight desire.
The wetness echoed into the silence of the sleep soaked room,
As you slowly pressed yourself into my warm depths.
Our bodies moved together in a familiar dance.
Reality and dreamland crossed paths so closely.
Our bodies effortlessly flowed into one another
As if in a dream, we became one, in the night.
Dreaming the same dream.
Making love in our sleep.


Leigh said...

What an awesome way to wake up!!

Hope you are having a good day

Sir Dirty Joke said...

Awesome indeed!

left said...

MmmMm. Thanks for sharing that sleepy delight.

Anonymous said...

Nice. Sweet. Waking up and sleeping again. Hmm.

Lestat said...

Having done the waking the being waked I'm not sure which I like more. Have to try both again and see :).

Great post!