My legs straddle your cock
The back of your neck
Grasped tightly in my hands
Forcing your head forward
Allowing you to watch
As your cock gets pounded by my pussy
Thrusting forward
I ride the length of it with my clit
Fucking you with force
Burying you inside me
My ass bouncing on your thighs
I ride you like a wild stallion
Determined to tame and please you
I rise to my feet
Still straddled above you
I touch myself gentle to the head of your cock
Teasing you with my wetness and warmth
Before plunging down hard
Pushing you deep into myself
Feeling you pulse
My clit hard against your groin
As I grind
Guiding you gently into the spot
Rubbing slowly
Grinding your cock into me
As you pulse with need
You feel the swell
As it begins to break
The liquids of lust come flowing forth
As my body goes limp
Shuddering with every wave
Holding me tightly
You continue to pump
Milking my well of pleasure
Taking more from me than I have ever given
Making me squirt
Bathing you in liquid desire
I swear I felt this post!
Great picture and post. I can feel every thrust...
Always a pleasure, coming here.
You know after reading your blog, if i went back without saying a word it would be shameful for me. Great blog and great posts and i like the first pic a lot!
you write with quite some feeling ;)
keep it up and rocking;)
Thank you for all your kind words gentlemen.
XX - Brandy
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